Friday, June 1, 2012

More purchasing, not much work (but soon)

Thanks to the good folks at Murray Bridge Trees and Terrain here is another bunch of trees to add to the modules, these will for the most part cover the river bank, with some to be spread amongst the larger trees.

Now what VR era layout would be complete without a WT gracing the rails, I'm yet to assemble my kit that I purchased from Spirit Design but I've pilfered several photos from the website to show what mine will hopefully look like.

Having run past the idea of using the Tam Valley servo setup for controlling points with a few club members, the idea got a big thumbs up, so the next purchase will be these, hopefully, the same few club members will help me install them, and then Maffra can commence in earnest.

Making a start on what will be the major section still seems a bit daunting, I am still very nervous about making mistakes, but that's how we all learn, I just hope I also learn how to fix those mistakes along the way.

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